Communication: 7 things you need to know about Chinese people

1. Kind-hearted
Done thousands of years of brother, always covered with a little brother, never bully people. Brother tribute a dollar of things we at least reward the five dollars of the baby. In many neighbors, although there are friction and disputes, but has been adhering to the people I do not commit my spirit, never to plunder the resources and invade other countries.

2. Affectionate:
The worship of the ancestors, the filial piety of the parents, the pay of the descendants, unparalleled, culmination.

3. Easygoing
Even the religion can be integrated with the Chinese people, taboo, very little sensitive. Annoying the Chinese people is more difficult than to irritating others.

4. Exquisite:
Food and clothing are doing better.

5. Emphasis on cultural heritage:
Only a cultural context is not cut off the ancient civilization, whether it is invading foreign enemies or internal blind tossing, Chinese culture are thousands of years die, the Millennium does not fall, endless.

6. Deep thinking in national unity:
The only one to defeat the nomadic (Huns, Turks) farming nation, although usually infighting, but in the face of external contradictions, there are always iron shoulder bear national heroes turned out. Although the country is divided, but against the split, the idea of ​​national unity enjoys popular support.

7. Do not worship the strong, only worship benevolence:
This is the biggest difference between Chinese and Japanese, and it is also the greatest advantage of Chinese people.


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