The 39th China Internet Development Statistics Report released

China Internet Development Statistics

On January 22nd 2017, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the thirty-ninth "China Internet Development Statistics Report", which shows that by the end of December 2016, the scale of China's Internet users reached 731 million, the Internet penetration rate reached 53.2%, more than the global average level of 3.1 percentage points, more than the Asian average of 7.6 percentage points.

"Report" shows there are about 42.99 million new internet users in 2016 in China, which increased by 6.2%, the size of China's Internet users has been equivalent to the total population of Europe. Among them, the scale of mobile phone users reached 695 million, accounting for 95.1%, the growth rate of more than 10% for 3 years. While the use of desktop computers, notebook computers have declined, the phone continued to squeeze the use of other personal Internet devices.

Mobile Internet and offline economic ties increasingly close. "Report" shows that in 2016, the growth of China's mobile Internet users using mobile payment increased rapidly, which reaches 469 million, with a annual growth rate 31.2%, Internet users to pay the proportion of mobile payment from 57.7% to 67.5%. Mobile payment to the line to pay the field of rapid infiltration, greatly enriched the payment scene, 50.3% of Internet users use mobile payment when paying at offline stores.

"Report" that the size of China's Internet users after nearly 10 years of rapid growth, the dividend gradually disappear, the scale of growth of Internet users tend to stabilize. In 2016, China's Internet industry as a whole to the standardization and value of the development, at the same time, mobile Internet to promote the sharing of consumption patterns, intelligent equipment and scene diversity. First, the state introduced a number of policies to accelerate the orderly and healthy development of the Internet, and improve the Internet development environment; secondly, the Internet users per capita consumption capacity gradually increased, in the online shopping, O2O, network entertainment and other areas of per capita consumption growth, Finally, the development of the Internet to enhance the impact of enterprises, with the "Internet +" to implement, the pace of enterprise Internet to further accelerate the pace of growth.


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